

Sun shining on this frosted morning. More later.

Well, I am back. Its been a good day. We filled the day with practically nothing on the list and really enjoyed it. I spent the morning on my cell phone talking with a friend, my sister and then a Looooooog conversation with our daughter Robin that helped us catch up and then just play with ideas. It was a very good way to spend some time on a Saturday morning. I find that often the "LIST" takes the time away from connecting with folks.

Jim puttered with Mr. Fixit chores - which is always a good thing to do. And, he fixed the GPS - the Slavic speaking woman is gone and Mandy, the English speaker is back. GREAT! We are ready for next week-end and our trek to the Lower Brandywine Storytelling Festival near Wilmington, DE. I am going to listen - and hopefully for a visit to Winterthur which is close by.

The real balm for us in being here on Guernsey Road is the blessed quiet. No radio, no television, only occasional traffic sounds when a car passes or a blast when the train rolls by. I tell you it is a healing soporific.

I am still reading the James Rosenquist bio. I enjoy it most when he talks about his painting and how he works them out. The gossipy descriptions of late nights out drinking with artist buddies are less interesting - or maybe its me not being able to appreciate or care about their male bonding. Or maybe its that he and I lived through the same years and history from different perspectives and I am less reverent about it than if I had been part of his scene or was younger and impressed by those times. Or maybe its too much conversation over the kitchen table that has not been digested and sifted for storytelling. There is a difference. Just talking about your famous life is not necessarily good story. You'd think he would know that since he distills his images for paintings that are story-like.

Oops - some nerve from me who writes this blog about absolutely nothing. And certainly it a prime example of undigested kitchen table chatter.

1 comment:

Granny Sue said...

A perfect day. I wish today had been a little more like that, but the looming garden clean-up kind of put the dampers on us. Once we got going on it, it was a snap. Of course, Larry will be finishing up tomorrow but the worst is over and we can relax.